Wednesday, December 3, 2008


We decided to revamp our fireplace. So for about a week our living room was a Ty-free zone, except for this one supervised time that Mommy took some cute candids of Ty "helping remodel".

Yogurt, Lemon, Cell

These are a few of Ty's favorite things. He loves his Danimal yogurts. He absolutely loved his first taste of lemons. On our road trip to Oregon he loved having his toys.

Focus All Attention Here

Ty got this shirt as one of his birthday gifts from Nana and Papa. Here is our "modeling" session which will allow you to see some different sides of Ty, including his goofy side and his love for brushing his teeth. (I took creative license and played around with the coloring on a couple of photos.)


Over the Thanksgiving holidays Ty got to meet his cousin Trey for the first time. They are less than a month apart. It was fun for us to see how much they have in common. Mostly, getting into everything they are not supposed to: remote controls, holiday decorations, televisions, and basically anything on the ground.